‘(passive) time. itemised’ is a work that unpacks the meaning of time spent with friends in the home. a city the size of london often warrants a middle ground in a public setting to see people. plans need to be made far in advance and often warrant orchestration or event in order to see those closest to you. this work dwells on a yearning for time spent with friends in the home that is completely uneventful where memories, anecdotes and the home itself are shared and the most meaningful relationships often bloom.
the objects featured in the work are my own - a collection from occasions as important as birthdays and anniversaries, or as simple every day trips to the post office. all hold certain sentimental value but often remain unshared. repurposed as malfunctioning clocks, they are displayed to create a dreamlike scenario where all time is infinite. the accompanying zine acts as a guide and memento for these objects, much like a leaflet or ticket stub that could exist in one’s own collection of personal belongings. google’s voice typing is used to annotate each item in an attempt to highlight the interference and disruption often experienced when communicating through technology rather than in person, as well as adding a sense of privacy and ambiguity to the sharing these stories.
(passive) time. itemised.
(passive) time. itemised. clock installation. various sizes.